sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Crying in the rain

If i wait for stormy skies, you won't know the rain from the tears in my eyes...
You'll never know that i still love you so, only the heartaches remain, i'll do my crying in the rain...
Raindrops falling from heaven, could never take away my misery.
Since we're not together, i pray for stormy weather, to hide these tears i hope you'll never see...
Someday when my crying's done, i'm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sun...
I may be a fool but till then, darling, you'll never see me complain i'll do my crying in the rain...

Amor... la lluvia me tira un poco abajo, pero es solo porque me hace extrañarte mas...
Me encantaria tenerte aca, y perder el tiempo, viendo la lluvia caer...
No me olvido la ultima vez que vimos la lluvia juntos... y tampoco me olvido del momento...
Te amo hermosa, y te extraño a montones... Sos mi vida, nunca te olvides de eso, porque yo nunca me voy a olvidar de vos...
Estoy contigo, amor de mi vida...
Ojala no me faltes nunca...

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